Navajo Indians
The Navajo, Pueblo, and Pima tribes lived in the southern regions of the North American continent. They were considered one of the most developed, were sedentary, farmed their land using artificial irrigation methods (building canals and other irrigation structures), and raised cattle.
The Navajo are the largest group of Indian tribes. Today it numbers between 100,000 and 200,000 people, according to various estimates. The Navajo occupied the territories of the southwestern United States and lived in the neighborhood of the Pueblo. They were engaged in farming and cattle breeding, hunting, and fishing. Later on, they engaged in weaving, which to this day remains one of their most important crafts.
Interestingly, during World War II, a special Navajo cipher was created that was used to send and receive messages. The 29 Indians who served in the U.S. Navy, taking their language as the basis, received a unique code, which was successfully used in the army and in the postwar years.